
Entry (1/2)1  fidiny
Root  2  fidy
Part of speech  3  noun fid and pronoun
Explanations in English  4  his choice, her choice, their choice [3.1]
Explanations in French  5  son choix, leur choix [3.1]
Examples  6  ary tamin' izany dia hita ny mety ho fidiny. [2.48]

Entry (2/2)7  fidiny
Root  8  fidy
Part of speech  9  passive verb fidina and pronoun
Explanations in English  10  chosen by him / her / them [3.1]
Explanations in French  11  choisi par lui / elle / eux [3.1]
Compound words 

Anagrams  14  fidiny, finidy

Updated on 2024/05/18